The foundation-stone of its church was settled among festive forms in 27th of July, 1913 in the presence of Bálint Lajos. The construction was performed during the parsonship of Bíró Ferenc, under the supervision of licensed constructing engineer Lobenschusz József. This famous construction manufactured the vitrailles, the full closing of the openings under the choir by iron grating and the altar table itself. According to the preserved protocols of the ecclesiastic community, each family had to pay 25 Hungarian crowns, a part of the expenses being paid from this fund. The curator of the parish ordered the bricks in his own expenses from a bricklayer from Csíkszenttamás, but its quality did not meet the exigencies of the engineers and of the Italian foremen who ordered factory-made brick for the construction. According to oral tradition, one third of the expenses of church-building were financed by Meskó Kálmán, the curator by then, and by his family. The construction of the church was financed also by the state. The contribution of the villagers was mainly public labour. According to the oral tradition, 14 men were helping, who were not allowed to be incorporated in the army. Domus Historia, which can be found at the parish, contains however recorded evidence that the church was built mostly by the contribution and the work of women:” 9 June, 1914 The works began at 8 o'clock in the morning, with a labour-power men of 24, men were also there, about six…” Children also took their part from the public works. According to the subscription list, also ratified by the bishop himself, the church was intended to dedicate to the Holy Trinity. The Neo-Gothic and Eclectic-style church was sanctified in 1923, during the time of the bishop Count Majláth Gusztáv, in the honour not of the Trinity but that of the Sacred Heart of Jesus. This is a moving holiday. The ninth day (Friday) following the Corpus Christi is the holiday of the Sacred Heart of Jesus. This sanctification was a great event in Madéfalva. The believers prepared themselves by fasting, prayer, vigil. Parson Bíró Ferenc has published the following announcement:
„ … Dear believers of mine! I am asking you for two things: 1. Attention and discipline in the day of the consacration. 2. Everyone stay with his family today! In addition: welcome your guests – in God! Your Loving Spiritual Father, 14 Jul, 1923” The church has been repaired on several occasions over the years. Electricity was installed in 1965, during the service of Parson Erőss József. The two side-altars were added during Kicsid Géza's parsonship. The inside of the temple was painted by Bali Lajos. Canalization, construction of the fence of the church was performed in the time of Lajos Balázs. During the service of Hajdó Vilmos, the temple was painted at outside. The latest repairing has been performed in the service period of the actual parson, Bartalus Zoltán, introducing central heating, whitewashing and replacing fully the electric network. The memorial statue of the victims of the revolution from 1848, the statue of Zöld Péter and the lately erected monument of the Heart of Jesus all spread and symbolize that Madéfalva is keeping to preserve the memory of the ancestors and respect their work.