The church of Rákos known as dedicated to the name of Virgin Mary is representative for the churches of the region both in structure and in details as well. As a matter of fact it lies in the north-western edge of Göröcsfalva in the side of the Mt. Kőd surrounding the village, having possessed as its affiliates the surrounding villages of Rákos, Göröcsfalva, Madéfalva and Vacsárcsi. The semi-circular door-frame ornamented by two cylindrical shapes can be the evidence of the Roman-style church existing definitely in the XIV century. We can presume that the nave, outstandingly short and narrow, compared to the ensemble, also ha Romanstyle origins. What we can take for granted, is, that the eastern wall of the nave and the fresco from its interior is older than the arch-form chancel of the Gothic apse, at whose insertion a character of the fresco at its left has been cut in two. The apse of the church is Gothic. The ribs of its tripartite transept are supported by cylindrical fusiform corbels. Sometimes each of these wore blazon shields. A characteristic of this Church is that the axis of the apse deviates from that of the nave by 8 degrees. The southern aisle was built the apse in 1758 Also then was built the sacristy in the northern side and was the side-chapel added. At this time or somewhat later might have been built the arcade corridor in the southern side. What has triggered the interest towards this building, already from the end of the last century, is its tower, more precisely the figural ornaments of it. According to our present knowledge, the tower is contemporaneous with the apse, that is, it must have been built at the end of the 15 century.
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The Church Of Rákos Racu - bogatregio. eu
The Church Of Rákos Racu. Description, contact information, photos & reviews about The Church Of Rákos