The field between the Olt and the village is the so-called cabbage garden, growing yielding very tasty and qualitative cabbage. This former dependence on cabbage growing has been changed during the times; nowadays the inhabitants grow it just for their own needs, only a few farmers grow it in greater amount. The economics of Csicsó is strongly characterized by a several decades' old customs, the Saint Gallo's Day's cabbage harvest or cabbage cutting. Csicsó had been famous of its good cabbage already in the times of the Principality of Transylvania, even the kitchen of Prince Gabriel Bethlen had been provided with this cabbage. In Saint Gallo's Day there used to organize a feast in the main street of the village, there have been set up tents, various merchants were selling their merchandize, musicians playing better and better songs. The next day the remaining extra cabbage was sold in the neighbouring villages, but the delicious, tasteful cabbage of Csicsó reached Brassó or Marosvásárhely.